The intended use determines the necessary test methods as well as climatic and topological influences.
Road construction

Airport surfaces

Bike and Footpaths

Legal standards / quality standards must be respected with the corresponding test methods.
(see also
There is a variety of test methods for technical classification and evaluation, which analyze, first of all, the technical characteristics, and second, composition of bitumen (modification). Alongside with traditional test methods, such as cone penetration, softening temperature, brittleness temperature, ignition point or stretchability determination, depending on specific application and characteristics, the test standards are supplemented with various systems of national standards, for example such as EN 12697 (concerning the testing of asphalt mixes). infraTest manufactures bitumen and asphalt testing equipment in conformity with European Standard (EN), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), British Standard or GOST.
Test methods

Asphalt mix analysis Extraction
An important part of asphalt mix testing is determination of the binder content in accordance with EN 12697/1. With the binder content determination, based on the use of solvents, the analyzer allows for recovering the minerals, aggregate, bitumen or other additives, and separating the asphalt mix into its basic ingredients. Stricter new requirements of the EU Regulation concerning the usage and handling of solvents only permit extraction of asphalt mixes to be done in an enclosed system.
Do you want to learn more? … More info

To determine such characteristics as porosity, compression resistance or bulk density, first it is necessary to prepare samples suitable for laboratory use. For information about the laboratory equipment intended for preparation of samples to be used in wheel tracking tests, and also for information about Marshall test samples, please click “More info”.

Change of properties with temperature
Global climate changes, as well as faster and shorter changes in the temperature cycle, affect the road pavement more and more adversely. Therefore, such characteristics as variation of properties with decreasing temperature, rigidity, resistance to fatigue loads or alteration of properties with changing temperature cycle are the decisive physical quantities. Learn more? … More info

Resistance against Deformation
The need to determine the pavement parameters, as well as its durability, performance and strength to various dynamic loads, calls for applying a multifaceted approach to the testing. Follow the link below to find the information about modular dynamic test machines with diverse applications for testing.
Product Catalog Asphalt/Bitumen
Here you can download the current product catalog for the topic Asphalt/ Bituemen.