infraTest is growing at home and abroad

Heilbronner Stimme reports on successful medium-sized company infraTest Prüftechnik!

With the end of the year, the Heilbronner Stimme published an article about us. The focus is on the economic situation, the developments of the past year and our expansion – a summary that makes us proud and motivates us for the coming decades! Read the article now and stay informed:
Test equipment manufacturer infraTest is growing at home and abroad

infraTest Prüftechnik in der Heilbronner Stimme

Discover us on YouTube

Discover our new YouTube Channel and learn more about our products, performance and testing asphalt, bitumen, concrete, cement and soil.

Helpful tips and tricks can be found here:
infraTest Channel

Psssst: Our first video is online! Have you already seen our trailer for the automatic ring and ball tester?


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