infraTest participates for the first time in the virtual trade fair interCILA for the Latin American asphalt industry.
“As a technology and innovation leader in our industry, we are proud to break new ground in communication and to stay in contact with our customers and partners despite the pandemic,” explains Telma Keppler (International Sales Manager for Southern Europe and Latin America at infraTest). On September 9th, 2020 the fair opened its digital doors for 6 hours and offered numerous specialist lectures, exhibition rooms and interactive highlights, such as a beach party with fireworks. This virtual trade fair caused astonishment among trade fair visitors as well as stand owners.
“If I had played video games with my son more often in the past, it would have been easier for me to enter this new world!” Explains Keppler as she demonstrates the various features of her booth. Bundled information is available for viewing or downloading with just a few clicks. “There is a generation change taking place and this is happening rapidly. This fantastic virtual environment was created within a very short time, which reminds me more of Sims than a trade fair. I’m fascinated to be able to experience something like that, ”adds Keppler, referring to the fact that companies have to adapt to digital solutions.
“My personal highlight were the interesting and individual conversations that I was able to have with other trade fair visitors through my avatar. I am immersed in another world and I am looking forward to welcoming you to the next event! “, Summarizes Keppler with a smile.
We would like to thank the organizer itafec for the organization and the new experiences on which we can build!
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