Infro and Telma ready for the Convitran 2024

InfraTest took part in the Convitran 2024 – Congreso Internacional de Infraestructura Vial e Transporte congress held on August 27 and 28 at the Hotel los Delfines in Lima, Peru.

Dr.-Ing Telma Keppler was present as International Sales and Applications Manager for Latin America and Southern Europe. Below is her feedback on the event:

The importance of participating in this kind of event

“I was delighted to take part as a speaker in this event, supported by the Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigación y Estudios Viales-ILIEV, which is one of the biggest events in the field of road infrastructure and transport in Peru. Major public and private organizations and national and international personalities took part, with the mission of providing a vision of the future in terms of construction, planning, management and new road and transport techniques. In addition to professionals, engineers, technicians, CEOs, etc., the event gives us the opportunity to present the advantages of our products and services, so that everyone can learn about the new technologies and machines used on the international market.

For infraTest, it’s very important to take part in regional events of this kind.

As head of the Latin American market, I always look for the most important congresses in the region, where I have the opportunity to meet not only many opinion-makers, but also the market itself, as each has its own standards and ‘modus operandis’.”

The trends

“To be able to recognize trends, adapt strategies and capitalize on business, you just have to be close to it.

Understanding the trends in each market and what influences customer behavior is more than a competitive advantage – it’s a necessity! It enables you to anticipate market demands and even adapt products and services to local requirements, with an emphasis on product and service variety, and taking into account industry sentiment and behavior. Find ways to satisfy customers and build loyalty, and strengthen the brand at regional level.

Conquering a market is not a simple process and requires knowledge of the target audience, their needs, desires, behaviors and expectations.”

The human interaction

“By taking part in these events, we have the opportunity to interact with renowned professionals, exchange experiences with colleagues from other companies and institutions, and expand our network of contacts. These interactions provide us with valuable information and inspire us to explore new fields. Through workshops, conferences and courses, we are able to present our products and new laboratory techniques for practical application, thus helping to improve quality in construction.”

A convivial dinner to make new acquaintances

The research

“Another relevant point is the opportunity to get to know new work, research and regional researchers at academic events – for example the event: 38th Congress of Transport Research and Education (38th ANPET) to be held November 4-8, 2024 in Florianópolis – Brazil, which are spaces for sharing discoveries and contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

For researchers, presenting work at congresses provides visibility for their research, giving them the opportunity to receive feedback, collaborate with other researchers and enhance their reputation within the scientific community; Exhibiting their work also enables them to establish links with other local professionals, institutions and researchers, and even set up partnerships for new research, techniques and equipment.

We have successfully adopted this strategy in several regions.”

Dr.-Ing Telma Keppler presents her subject.

“In summary, we derive many benefits from our participation in symposia, workshops, seminars and other events: exchange of experience and practice, enrichment of knowledge through information exchange, interdisciplinary discussions, which can lead to more comprehensive and effective approaches ;

And it’s certainly a source of inspiration and motivation, because conquering a consumer market is an ongoing process that requires dedication, planning, investment and a medium- to long-term strategic vision.

It’s worth remembering that the market is dynamic, and consumer needs are constantly evolving. That’s why it’s essential to always participate and therefore be aware of new trends, and adapt our strategies to stay relevant and competitive.”

You can find below the link to Dr.-Ing Telma Keppler’s presentation on the circular economy. If you’d like to discuss these topics, or simply talk to Dr.-Ing Telma Keppler, we’ll be at the Paving expo in São Paulo (Brazil) from October 22 to 24, 2024. Come and see us at stand 40 – 20 – B!

Dr.-Ing. Telma Keppler will also give a lecture at the Paving Expo on October 24, 2024 from 11am to 12pm in the Presidente Dutra room on the following topic: “Characterization processes of binders extracted from RAP for greater use of the milled material”.

Economía circular: Estrategias y oportunidades para el reciclaje - Telma Keppler


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Invitation Paving Expo 2024

Invitation à la Paving Expo 2024

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